With government experience, a proven track record of strategic wins, and extensive crisis communication work, The Lentile group is confident in our ability to serve our clients and their unique needs.

About the Founder

Katie has spent nearly two decades advising and consulting, both domestically and abroad, in a range of sectors, including politics, government affairs, public relations, marketing, non-profit, and logistics. She has successfully launched campaigns and developed winning strategies for over 100 companies, including Kenneth Cole, Vanderbilt University, Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, and The Fallon Company. From 2019-2021 Katie accepted the opportunity to serve her city as the Chief Communications Officer for Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County. The Lentile Group has proudly grown through private referral — a barometer of the trust, relationships, and strategic knowledge that she provides her clients. — View Katie’s LinkedIn Profile

“Katie has a deep understanding of Nashville, and is highly respected and trusted by government, community and non-profit stakeholders.  Combined with her strong strategic mind and excellent communication skills, Katie has become an indispensable member of our team.”

Brian Awe
President – The Fallon Company

“Katie is a valued partner who always takes time to understand what our organization is hoping to accomplish and then helps us think through the best next steps to get us headed in that direction. Her quick follow through and attention to detail are reassuring to me as a leader and has helped us immensely.”

Hal Cato
CEO – Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

“The Lentile Group has a tremendous understanding of strategic communication that yields incredible results across a variety of sectors. Katie is able to convey the vision and direction of businesses and organizations in a way that builds trust and continued success.”

Steven Arthur
Managing Director – Global Retail, Head of US media

“Katie proved an invaluable consultant when working with our team to develop our social outreach programs in Haiti. Her ability to identify how to best align with different partners, as well as how to weave meaningful work together with smart business strategy, has successfully deepened our social impact as a company.”

Jennifer Moore
Kenneth Cole Productions – Vice President, CSR